Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Post Assignment #4

I enjoyed reading Dr. McLeod's post because it made me think of technology for our students in a way that I had not thought of it before. He pointed out the potential dangers that children can face by using things such as the internet. While the dangers are present, he also made the point in his blog that our students pretty much need to be taught with technology. It is so true that students should be introduced to technology for he sake of their future, but as future teachers we must make sure that they are protected as possible from the dangers that they might face. In my opinion, it is also our responsibility to be sure that our students do not become entirely dependent on the use of technology. I really liked the way that Dr. McLeod a the Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Iowa State University.

The The iSchool Initiative video was very interesting. I had never thought of having all of those programs available to us on a single device. Having all of those things so readily available seems both convenient and actually a lot of fun to use. I think that students might be more willing to do their school work if it involves technology. With the way that we are transforming so quickly, I would not be surprised if something like this were to actually happen in the near future.

The main benefit mentioned in this video was the fact that it would save money, and we all know that many of our schools are in desperate need of doing just that. The one thing that I would worry about is what would happen to those students who were unable to afford a device such as the iTouch. While I know that things such as graphing calculators in school are just as expensive, they are not always required because some people cannot afford them. If everything related to school was on a device such as this one, many people could potentially be left out.

I really liked The Lost Generation video. It was almost a little bit sad to me because I feel like many of the things that were said to begin with were so true. It sounds nice to say that we can reverse these things, but is it really possible? Our world is changing so much everyday that I don't think that we can change some of the things that were mentioned. We can try to change these things as individuals, but it won't truly fix anything unless everyone is on the same page. The technique used to make this film was amazing! I never would have guessed that it was going to turn out the way it did simply by reversing it!

The virtual choir was also quite astonishing! I had never seen anything like that and I thought that it was so neat! I am still amazed that we are actually living in times when things like this are possible. It all seems so surreal to me sometimes. I never would have guessed that these things would be changing my world right in front of my eyes. Sometimes it seems like I am watching a movie from the future and I have to remind myself that this is now! I cannot wait to see what technology brings us in the next few decades or so.


  1. AnMarie,

    I agreed with so many of your statements regarding your blog post 4. The iSchool initiative, I thought, was also very interesting. If this was available to me as a student, I would definitely be excited to use it. I think though, that if this technology was accessible in schools, the schools would pay for the students to have them. They are already saving money by eliminating other resources. I think that the only problem with this device would be if it broke, or crashed somehow, and the student was unable to access their information. A plan should be in place, in case this occurred. For the lost generation, I also thought it was really neat how they reversed everything they stated in the beginning of the video.

  2. Hey AnMarie,

    This is a really good post. You made really good points about the ishcool. Make sure you proof read your work.

    Keep up the good work!

    Stephen Akins
