Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Post Assignment #11

This was yet another enjoyable and informative video to see and think about. I really appreciate what Mrs. Cassidy is doing with her students simply because they are still so young in my opinion. I think that introducing technology and its benefits to children in the first grade is a wonderful idea because they will certainly benefit from getting an early start with it. Doing simple things such as teaching these youngsters how to get on the internet is a great start to getting them comfortable with technology. I never would have thought that students at this age would be using technology, but this is once again a change that has come about with all of the new technological advances that we are seeing in today's world.

I hope that I will be able to introduce technology to my students from the very beginning like Mrs. Cassidy did, because this is really what all teachers should be working towards these days. Although some teachers do not feel like these types of things are necessary, I feel that it will be very beneficial to the students in the long run. No matter what grade we are teaching, we have to remember that our students  will have to be comfortable and familiar with technology in their future in order to advance through the world that they will be growing up in.


  1. “Little Kids Big Potential” is the perfect title for this video. This is an awesome demonstration of a couple of important things about kids and technology. First of all, young kids are not uncomfortable using technology and secondly, technology allows young kids to learn tasks like writing, reading, and specific subject matter in multiple ways at the same time. Using computers for these students will be as common and automatic as using pencil and paper was for students 10 years before. Mastering these tools early on prepares these students for more enhanced and efficient learning in the future.

    You said, "I hope that I will be able to introduce technology to my students from the very beginning." What would stop you from doing so? SS

  2. I agree with Mr. Sullivan about the title being perfect for the video. I have a son that is in first grade and he has asked me numerous times to let him use my computer. I of course, thought he was too young. Little did I know...I allowed him to after seeing Ms. Cassidy's video and he was able to show me something. I am disappointed in myself for not allowing him to excel. I am no longer holding him back because of his age and do not plan on doing that with any of my future students.

  3. As far as having a limit on the technology that I introduce my students to in the classroom, I was simply thinking about the funds needed to supply these things. I know that schools are doing there best to get as much of the new technology as they can for their teachers and students, but there are still some schools that cannot financially do so. What I meant by saying that i hope to introduce my students to all of the technology is that as long as it is available to me, I will definitely be allowing them to explore it.
