The presentation Changing Educational Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson was a great presentation! I have never thought about things such as ADHD in the ways that he presented them, but his argument seemed to make sense. I am not incredibly familiar with disorders such as this one, but I do know that children affected by it tend to get bored and distracted easily, which would make his point make valid. As Sir Robinson said about himself, I am not educated enough about the subject either to make too many decisions about the things that might be affecting these children, but I agreed with what he had to say still.
It seems so logical to get our students excited about learning instead of boring them with things such as constant standarized tests. Even if the students are not diagnosed with ADHD, it is still very possible that they will become bored at some time or another while learning in the classroom. As teachers, we should all try to encourage our studnets to want to learn as much as possible and we can do this be getting them interested in the things that we want to teach them. As stated in the presentation, the Arts do seem to be the victim of or current epedemic. Incorporating the Arts into our teaching more and more is sure to get young people interested in school and happy to learn.
I really liked the way that this video was put together, and I think that it is sure to get the attention of more people than if it were just someone standing up and talking in front of an audience. The video itself was a great way to keep people more interested in what was going on and keep them from becoming bored by the facts that were being presented. If I were to participate in making a presentation such as this one, I think that I would most enjoy the job of being the narrator. All of the jobs invovled in making this video were probably fun, but I think that I would enjoy narrating it most!
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