Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post Assignment #6

The video The Networked Student was very interesting and neat to watch. I agreed with all of the things that were stated as being benefits of being a networked students, but I have often thought about what will happen to us teachers in the years to come. If technology is such a wonderful teacher, then what are we going to be needed for? Well, this video answered that question quite nicely and it made me fell a lot better about my worth as a teacher in the future.

I know well that all of this new and coming technology is able to provide many, many benefits to our students, but they will also need time in the classroom in my opinion. Even if classes are given online, the students should probably meet in a classroom setting at least once a week so that the teacher can check up on things such as all of the students' progress. Of course students will always have questions about how to use the technology, how to organize the information that they are given by the technology, and how best to take advantage of the different opportunities that they might be presented with through this technology. Classroom meetings with the teacher will be a great time to get all of these things straightened out.

Finally, it is very important to remember that teachers provide a mentor for students to follow and look up to. I feel that it is very important for all young people to have good influences in their lives, and teachers can be just that to many students. Teachers not only provide the initial instructions on things like how to use the technology properly and what they are looking for in an assignment, but they also provide a relationship that many students enjoy having. Many of my teachers have taught me things that are so much more important than academics, and all students should have the opportunity to have that in their school career.

The video A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment was a very well put together video. While I did not ever have any classes such as the one that she was describing in the video in middle school, it seemed like a great way to have a class. Many of the things mentioned in the video were things that we use in EDM 310, and that is why I am so grateful to be learning all that I am in this class. As mentioned in this video, freedom in learning is a great way to motivate students because it allows them to learn in the ways that best suit them as individuals.

Dr. Wesch's video The Machine is Changing Us was very informational and funny at the same time. I could relate to many of the things that he mentioned in his talk, especially when he mentioned that technology can make us feel more self conscious. This is so true because you never know who is going to read what you are putting on the internet. Anybody has access to the work that you do on the internet, and that makes feel a little bit more concerned about the validity of the work that I do. This video reminds us that we have to remember that we do not truly know who we are showing our work to when we do post it on the internet, so it is good to always do it to the best of your ability.


  1. Hi AnMarie! I’m Nicole and I agree with you on The Networked Student. I agree with all the benefits that the video stated but what will happen to the teachers? The video did answer that question nicely and it made me feel better too! I also think students will still need time in a classroom. I know in online classes I sometimes wish I had someone to show me how to do some of the assignments (instead of just through emails). It does have it’s benefits though sometimes. But I am all for still having at least some classroom time. Teachers are mentors and I’m so glad we get to experience that responsibility even though it’s sometimes hard. It is very important for students to have a good teacher to look up to. I really enjoyed your blog, and you had a lot of good points!

  2. AnMarie,

    Your comment ... I know well that all of this new and coming technology is able to provide many, many benefits to our students, but they will also need time in the classroom in my opinion ... is very powerful. I would like to take it a step further and take out classroom and replace it with interact with others in person. I think we are a social world and since we interact in that environment we learn in that environment. EDM 310 is a great example of learning through technology but doing it as a community of learners. We do not learn in a vacuum and I believe that aspect will never be obsolete.
